
   Bio Spray by Prof.Dr.Henry,Ph.D.-All in ONE Supplement !

DUNIA serasa dalam genggaman ANDA !!

Now, with Bio Spray Plus Colostrum Liquid, longevity is no longer a Myth! Besides prolong your lifetime, I-Linkage has come out with a brand new formulation with added nutrients value, Colostrum Liquid as the booster for our health!
Bio Spray by Prof. Dr. Henry, Ph.D. ini BOLEH dikonsumsi oleh BAYI sampai Oma/Opa/SEMUA Usia!

HGH itu apa sih?
<Human Growth Hormone>

HGH adalah HORON PERTUMBUHAN yang dikeluarkan oleh kelenjar PITUITARI yang terletak di bagian bawah OTAK MANUSIA.

1# Bio Spray REGULAR Super Excellent Brand by Dr.O'Henry,Ph.D. mengandung/Ingredients per serving:

  #L-ARGININE (20mcg): Berfungsi Meningkatkan pembakaran LEMAK, meningkatkan sistim IMUNISASI, menangkal KANKER, pembinaan OTOT & 
                                       REGENERASI SEL.

  #L-ORNITHINE (20mcg): Berfungsi merangsang PANKREAS untuk menghasilkan INSULIN, meningkatkan fungsi LEVER & mengurangi LEMAK.

   #L-GLUTAMINE (10mcg): Berfungsi meningkatkan jumlah SEL & membangun OTOT.

   #L-LYSINE (10mcg): Berfungsi/Berhubungan dengan ANTIBODI, HORMON & ENZIM, dll.

 Cara Kerja PRODUK:

Semprotkan 3-5 Kali di bawah Lidah Kita. Sehingga Kelenjar PITUITARI akan melepas HGH melewati HATI seterusnya mengubah HGH menjadi IGF 1 & disalurkan ke seluruh TUBUH melalui DARAH yang berakibat POSITIF meregulasi Pertumbuhan SEL!

Lebih dari 28.000 Studi KLINIS telah menunjukkan MANFAAT HGH, a.l.:
  1. Anti Aging/Penuaan Dini
  2. Meningkatkan Enersi & Fungsi OTAK
  3. Meningkatkan Fungsi HATI & JANTUNG.
  4. Membentuk OTOT.
  5. Meningkatkan Fungsi SEX.
  6. Mengurangi LEMAK Tubuh.
  7. Meningkatkan Kelembaban KULIT.
  8. Mencegah OSTEOPOROSIS/Pengeroposan Tulang Manusia.
  9. Meningkatkan Sistem IMUN/KEKEBALAN TUBUH Manusia.
  10. Menambah Daya Penglihatan & INGATAN
  11. Masalah RAMBUT, dll.
Laporan sejauh ini menunjukkan PRODUK2 Kami ALAMI & mempunyai KUALITAS TERBAIK!! TIDAK mengandunhg ZAT BERBAHAYA, BAHAN KIMIA & BAHAN2 BUATAN lainnya yg merugikan keSEHATan TUBUH MANUSIA!! Hal ini dubuktikan dengan PRESTASI SERTIFIKASI & PENGHARGAAN2 INTERNASIONAL yang telah Kami terima selama ini, a.l.:
Malaysia Lab Test dari Chemical Laboratory (M) Sdn Bhd., Malaysia Analisa Bakteri, Malaysia Analisa Kimia, Ijin DEPKES INDONESIA, Sucofindo Laporan Laboratorium Indonesia, Ijin FDA Thailand, dll.
Certificates List:
Malaysia Certificates
Halal Certificate for Bio Green, Bio Marine Collagen and Bio Grape Seed    
Halal Certificate for Bio Spray and Bio Spray Plus    Bacteriological Analysis for Bio Spray Plus
Chemical Analysis for Bio Spray Plus
Lab Test from Chemical Laboratory (M'sia) Sdn Bhd.
Letter Of Indemnity from HERBAL SCIENCE
Free Sale Certificate
Certificate of Analysis
Certificate of Manufacturer
Letter of Indemnity
Fuel Booster Centificate
Insuran Booster (Page 1)
Insuran Booster (Page 2) 
Brunei Certificates
Brunei Health Ministry Approval 
Indonesia Certificates
Indonesia DEPKES Approval for Bio Spray
Indonesia DEPKES Approval for Bio Spray Plus
Sucofindo Laboratory Report from Indonesia 
Singapore Certificates
I-Linkage Int. Incorporation Cert.
Import License for Bio Spray Plus 
Thailand Certificates
Thailand FDA approval for Bio Spray
Thailand FDA approval for Bio Spray PLUS
Import LicenseTrade LicenseApplication for Registration of Direct Marketing(Direct Sale) in Bangkok(Thailand)Application for Registration of Direct Marketing(Direct Sale) in Bangkok(Thailand) - English Translation 
Bangladesh Certificates
Examination of Food Supplement from University of Dhaka by Professor Dr M.A.Malek
I-Linkage Distributor in BangladeshTrade License for I-Linkage (SUPER BIO LINKAGE (PVT)LTD) Bangladesh
Trade License for I-Linkage (SUPER BIO LINKAGE (PVT)LTD) Bangladesh Page 2 
Hong Kong Certificates
Letter from Hong Kong Department of Health Approval  
Philippines Certificates
Business Permit 
License to operate as Food Distributor (BFAD)  
Certificate of Product Registration (BFAD)
BioSpray dan BioSpray Plus sudah mendapat banyak sertifikat dari beberapa negara di Asia seperti, a.l.:

Halal Malaysia

POM Indonesia,Sucofindo Indonesia,Singapore,

Brunei Darussalam,Bangladesh,Hong Kong


HARGA BIO Spray by Dr.O'Henry,Ph.D.:

1   BOTOL Rp.  1.875.000,-
5   BOTOL Rp.  7.000.000,-
11 BOTOL Rp.14.000.000,-
Harga di atas tak mengikat, sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah!

Bila ANDA merasakan salah satu atau lebih GEJALA2 di bawah ini, artinya ANDA membutuhkan HGH SEGERA, a.l.:
  • Arus/Aliran darah dalam GINJAL berkurang
  • Depresi
  • Gelisah
  • Kegiatan SEXUAL Berkurang
  • Kekebalan tubuh berkurang
  • Kekuatan & ukuran OTOT mengecil
  • Kepadatan mineral tulang berkurang
  • Kesehatan secara umum kurang baik
  • KOLESTEROL HDL berkurang
  • KOLESTEROL LDL bertambah
  • KULIT berkerut atau penuaan dini
  • KULIT menjadu tipis
  • Kurang berOLAHRAGA
  • Kurang mampu mengendalikan dir
  • Kurang TENAGA
  • Laju metabolisme dasar berkurang
  • Lelah
  • LEMAK Pinggul bertambah
  • Nafsu turun
  • Organ-organ tubuh mengecil
  • Pandangan Hidup yang kurang baik, Pesimis
  • Penyakit Kelenjar PITUITARI
  • Perasaan cepat berubah
  • Semakin terisolir secara sosial
  • VITALITAS berkurang
  • Dll,
Keterangan Gambar MANFAAT HGH:

“HGH is the ultimate anti-aging therapy…It affects almost every cell in the body, rejuvenating the skin and bones, regenerating the heart, liver, lungs and kidney while bringing organ and tissue function back to youthful levels."

Dr. Klatz
(Author of the book, Grow Young with HGH)

Ad.1) ANTI Aging/Penuaan Dini!
Suggested Usage :
5 spray before breakfast
5 spray before bed.
Ad.2A) Meningkatkan ENERSI

Ad.2B) Meningkatkan Fungsi OTAK
Ad.3) Meningkatkan Fungsi HATI & JANTUNG
Ad.4) Membentuk OTOT This is the 6 month transformation of 19 year old boy
(Update !! Please don't expect Miracles with HGH in first 2-3 months. It is a gradual process.)
Ad.5) Meningkatkan Fungsi S E X !
Ad.6) Mengurangi LEMAK TUBUH!

Lose Weight, Burn Fat & Increase Muscle Tone

Have Smoother, More Youthful Skin &  Reduce Wrinkles

Boost Energy

Sleep Better

Increase Strength and Stamina

Improve Sexual Performance and Libido

Weight Loss with HGH!

HGH Is One of the Most Effective Fat Loss Weapons Ever Discovered

HGH Users Lose 14% to 20% of Their Bodyfat and
Increase Their Lean Muscle Tone By 8% to 11%…

  With No Change in Diet or Exercise!

The medical evidence is undeniable. HGH can give you a new body with no change in diet or exercise. It has been hailed as the closest thing to the “magic weight loss pill” or “fountain of youth” we’ve all been waiting for!

  • The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine published a double-blind study revealing that those using HGH for six months lost an incredible 14.4% of their bodyfat and gained 8.8% in lean muscle tone without diet or exercise.
  • Then, a six month study done at St. Thomas Hospital in London, England showed even better results when HGH reduced fat by approximately 20% and increased lean muscle tissue by 10.8%.
  • In only five weeks of HGH use in a double-blind crossover study, women experienced an average loss of more than 4.6 pounds of body fat while experiencing more than a 5% increase in lean muscle tissue.

Every study of HGH on normal aging people has shown that this amazing substance does something no other weight loss ingredient does…

    It reshapes and resculpts your body by melting away bodyfat and improving muscle tone at the same time!

Karin Distefano, 30
Writer and Editor, “Good Housekeeping,” “Fit,” “Woman’s Day,” “Health for Women”*

I was at a weight loss plateau about 4 months ago, so my doctor recommended Maximum Result HGH Complex as the best natural product on the market. I’ve dropped 20 pounds and gone from a size 12 to a size 6. My body looks more toned and sculpted and my skin looked younger and smoother almost immediately.”

Ad.7) Meningkatkan Kelembaban KULIT

Ad.8) Mencegah OSTEOPOROSIS/Pengeroposan TULANG

Ad.9)  Meningkatkan Sistem IMUN/KEKEBALAN Tubuh

Ad.10A) Menambah Daya PENGLIHATAN

Ad.10B) Menambah Daya INGATAN

Study Shows HGH Deficiency Causes Memory Deficits

Scientists and researchers have revealed that if rats with growth hormone deficiency are supplied with growth hormone supplements prematurely, they are likely to combat the memory problems that may develop later onwards. This signifies the fact that adults with memory issue is due to their childhood deficiency of growth hormones. This means that the problem can be fixed through HGH Therapy and other hormone boosting supplements.


Masalah Rambut dan Kebotakan


Testimoni BIOSPRAY lainnya: Asam Urat, Asma Akut, Batu Ginjal, Bekas Cacar Air, Benjolan Di Lidah, Brochitis, Diabetes Miletus, Diet, Endometriosis, Fertilitas, Fitiligo, Gangguan Penglihatan, Gangguan Syaraf (Neuritis), Hipertensi, Infeksi Usus, Jantung Koroner, Jerawat, Kanker Lidah, Kanker Payudara, Kelenjar Gondok, Kolesterol , Lidah Pecah - Pecah, Luka Operasi, Osteoatheritis, Penyakit Paru - Paru, Radang Lambung (Gastritis), Sakit Kepala, Sakit Tulang Belakang, Stroke, Tumor Rahim, dll.
Ad. 12) Kualitas TIDUR Lebih Nyenyak

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